One of the easiest ways to keep Guinea pigs cool on scorching days is to keep them out of the sun.
In other words, remove your petite pal’s run from under the sunlight.
But that’s only one approach to maintaining a piggy temperature during hot summer months. There are many more.
How To Keep Cavies Cool In The Summer?
While there can be multiple ways to ensure your Guinea pig is unaffected by the heat, some super easy tricks include
Remove The Hutch From Under The Sun
It goes without saying that when trying to calm someone’s temperature and save them from a possible heatstroke, you need to get them out of the sun.
Likewise, to keep your fluff pal’s temperature under control, you need to get them out of the sun, which means moving their enclosure to a sheltered place.
If possible, bring it indoors or place a sun cover on top of it to create a barrier between its roof and sunlight.
You can buy a shelter from the market or make one yourself.
Run a towel under water to wet it completely. Next, wring it well until all the droplets have squeezed out of the fabric.
Place the now damp piece of cloth on top of your piggy’s enclosure.
Place A Tile Or Pod Inside Your Cavy’s Cage
A marble tile or pod can be an excellent addition to a Guinea pig’s cage for the summer months as it offers a chilled surface to lie against in order to beat the heat.
You can either purchase a pod or use an old piece of tile from perhaps a renovation project for said purpose.
However, if you choose to work with a marbled surface, be sure to keep away from the sun; otherwise, it will heat up and harm your furry friend rather than soothing them.
Provide Water
Water is undoubtedly the best solution to combat the heat on hot days.
Wouldn’t you agree? When the sun is furious in the sky, we love to down cold water to avoid dehydrating.
Similarly, Guinea pigs need and appreciate water when the temperature is blazing high.
Provide your cavy with many water sources, especially in the summer, to ensure your pet always has access to freshwater.
Use a bottle cover to keep the water from heating up because if that happens, your piggy pal will most likely stop drinking the warm water.
Bring Your Pet Inside
The thermostat inside a house is much more comforting than the atmosphere outdoors in the summertime.
So when you enjoy the pleasant temperature indoors, don’t forget about your tiny friend and bring them in as well.
If you can, move the hutch and bring it indoors so that you don’t have to carry your pet every so often.
Trim Your Pet’s Coat
Long-haired Guinea pigs are more at risk of getting a heat stroke in the summer as their thick coats heat them up much faster and keep the body’s temperature from going down.
If you have a thick-furred species, remember to trim its coat regularly during sunny days.
You should also brush your little fellow’s hair daily to keep it untangled and less of a hassle for your piggy.
Give Your Bunny A Pool
Nothing beats the heat in the summer better than a good swim!
Although piggies cannot swim as deftly as we do, they do appreciate being in the water when the sun is blazing hot.
Place a splash pool inside your piggy pal’s hutch to give them a place to blow off the steam (literally!)
That said, remember to change the water in your piggy’s pool to maintain proper hygiene.
Feed Your Guinea Pig Frozen Treats
While piggy pals cannot have ice cream, they can consume frozen treats to endure the torching heat on a sunny day.
Any pet owner can make frozen treats at home without trouble.
All you need to do is take a piece of any fruit (strawberry, banana kiwi, or orange, whichever is available), place it in a cube tray and fill the remaining space in the compartments with water.
Put the batch in the refrigerator overnight and serve your buddy delicious icy treats the next day.
However, ration the fruity snacks because you don’t want to feed too much sugar to your pet.
Use A Damp Cloth
A piece of damp cloth can work wonders in cooling down a Guinea pig.
Plus, it’s a safe way of normalizing a piggy’s temperature as it will not send the body in shock.
So, when your fluffy fellow begins to get uncomfortable in the heat, wrap them in a wet towel and let them relax for a while.
Repeat the practice multiple times in a day or whenever you think necessary.
Guinea Pigs Are at a Risk of Heatstroke
Like most living creatures, Guinea pigs are easily affected by the heat in the summertime, primarily because they cannot regulate their body temperature, unlike some other pets.
They don’t sweat, which is why their body temperature keeps increasing on hot days unless some precautions are talent.
As a result, piggy pals are at greater risk of suffering from heat exhaustion when the breeze warms up, and the atmosphere turns blazing hot.
Therefore, ensuring that your Guinea pig is cool when its surroundings aren’t is a must.
If a piggy parent is negligent and doesn’t make arrangements to keep their little fluffy child cool during the summer, they can lose their little one.
Simply put, pet owners who wish their piggy pals to be around for a while should put in the effort to control the temperature in their pet’s quarters.
Or else, their tiny bud will start exhibiting signs of heatstroke, which may not be fatal initially but, if left untreated, can lead to death.
If you notice the following symptoms in your piggy, seek veterinary care right away.
Guinea pigs are naturally quite energetic, always playing around and staying active for hours on end.
But when they become dull and lazy, it’s a sign that something is not right with them.
While lethargy in cavies can result from different medical ailments, it mainly occurs due to exposure to excessive heat.
If the atmospheric temperature is exceedingly high on a day and you notice dullness in your Guinea pig, the chances are your pet is on the verge of getting a full-fledged heatstroke. In that case, visit the vet immediately.
If doing so is not possible, take measures to cool your fluffy pal down, such as
- Wrapping them in a cold, damp towel,
- Bringing them indoors,
- Or feeding them water (but in tiny doses as too much water at once can lead to a shock).
Spotting restlessness in a piggy pal can be tricky as it can come across as a show of energy.
Nonetheless, differentiating between a restless piggy and an energetic Guinea is critical if you don’t want your pet to get sunstroke.
Excitement Or Anxiety
Guinea pigs tend to run fast when they are happy, accompanied by leaping every other minute.
The two behaviors combined together are known as popcorning in the world of cavies.
So anytime you want to figure out whether your bud is excited or restless, look for signs of popcorning.
If they leap from time to time while frolicking around, know that they are feeling jaunty. If they are only running around endlessly, the chances are they are uncomfortable.
Another indication of restlessness in Guinea pigs is a show of uneasiness when held.
Typically, piggies don’t mind being picked up, but when they are anxious, they will not be at ease when carried.
So, if your cavy is not responding well to being held, it might be unhappy because of the sun.
Panting And Salivating
Unlike canines who love to pant and drool, cavies are rather calm and collected in terms of blowing air in and out rapidly and driveling alongside.
However, they may exhibit such behaviors when suffering from heat exhaustion.
If you notice your adorable fluff salivating or panting uncharacteristically, know that the sun is too intense for their liking.
Let’s hope your piggy pal doesn’t ever get to the point of getting convulsions due to the sweltering heat because if that happens, they’ll need veterinary care instantly.
If you suspect your piggy bud is behaving erratically and making strange body movements, you should get them to the vet.
All these signs are bad news for a Guinea pig.
If you spot any one of these, cool your pet down by rubbing them with a damp piece of cloth. You can also place a fan nearby to keep the ward off the heat.
But whatever you do, don’t drown your piggy pal in water, as that can lead to a fatal shock.
The sudden temperature change can be too much to bear for a guinea’s body and lead to death.
As a general rule of thumb, don’t take any drastic measures to regulate your piggy pal’s body temperature.
Final Verdict
Guinea pigs are small endearing pets requiring plenty of tender love and care to stay healthy and happy.
While it holds true for all seasons, it’s specially accurate for the summertime because then your piggy pals need extra care and comfort to survive the scorching sun.
Therefore, don’t put your pet at risk of getting heatstroke and provide it with every resource to beat the heat.
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