Mites in Guinea Pigs – How to Get Rid of It?
Even if you change your cavies’ bedding regularly, it is possible that they end up with mites. They can get mites from other infested guinea pigs that they come in …
Even if you change your cavies’ bedding regularly, it is possible that they end up with mites. They can get mites from other infested guinea pigs that they come in …
Yes, you can overfeed a guinea pig, but the chances of that are slim because guinea pigs typically don’t overeat themselves. In other words, even if you try to stuff …
How do you end the suffering of a sick guinea pig at home? As far as we know, dying guinea pigs can’t balance their suffering against the opportunity to spend …
Guinea pigs are among the easiest, most fun pets to bring home. They are pretty simple to care for and offer endless love in return. However, you need to ensure …
Guinea pigs and dogs can get along in the same household if introduced properly. Both guinea pigs and dogs are popular pet choices for children. Moreover, both dogs and guinea …
While there can be many reasons behind your guinea pig’s fast breathing, heart disease is most likely to be the responsible factor. But before you start panicking over the idea …
Hang the water bottle to the side of your guinea pig’s cage and remove the water bowl so that your little bun-bun doesn’t have another source to consume water from. …
Guinea pigs can have a runny nose due to different medical conditions, such as Atrophic Rhinitis, sinusitis, or common cold. Cavies are relatively easier pets to have, with manageable quirks …
Guinea pigs are extremely furry creatures. It is common for some guinea pigs to have a medical condition that causes dandruff. Dandruff is typically caused by skin problems, such as …
You could bathe your guinea pig with baby shampoo, but you must dilute it significantly. Baby shampoo, if diluted, may help clean a guinea pig without drying out its skin. …