Guinea pigs may be small animals, but they are very energetic and make various different noises.
Since you don’t speak their language, it can get a little hard to understand what your pet is trying to say.
If you’re curious to know why your guinea pig is making such noises, read ahead.
What Does It Mean When Your Guinea Pig Squeaks?
Guinea pigs make a variety of sounds but squeaking is one of the more common ones.
They mostly squeak when they are hungry. Guinea pigs eat a lot, so you will probably hear squeaking several times a day.
The squeaking will only increase in pitch if they don’t get what they are asking for.
Guinea pigs can sense when you are eating or even when you open the fridge to put something, so they may squeak to get your attention.
Guinea pigs squeak for other reasons as well:
Guinea pigs also squeak loudly when they are in pain. If you are touching or petting your pet and it squeaks, it means that you’re doing something wrong.
You might have petted them a little too hard or touched a body part that is slightly injured.
If the squeaking persists, make sure to visit a vet immediately since your guinea pig might be in danger.
Your guinea pig may also squeak when it is scared because of loud noises or another pet that may be terrorizing them.
If the squeaking gets more frequent, try changing the location of your pet’s cage.
Another common reason why your guinea pig might be squeaking is that they simply want your attention.
Guinea pigs are social animals and the reason they are so popular as pets are that they love interacting with humans.
If your guinea pig is constantly squeaking and there is nothing wrong with them, they might want you to play with them or pet them.
Good Mood
Sometimes your guinea pigs will simply squeak when they are in a good mood.
If your pet squeaks when they see you or their dinner, they’re simply happy and there is nothing to worry about.
Guinea pigs communicate with each other in various noises and one of the most common noises is squeaking.
If you have more than one guinea pig, they might be squeaking because they are communicating with each other.
Common Guinea Pig Sounds
Besides squeaking, guinea pigs are known to make several other noises.
If you have a guinea pig, it is best to know what noise indicates what type of mood they are in. Here are a few noises that guinea pigs make:
Wheeking is a common noise that guinea pigs make when they are excited.
Guinea pigs are low maintenance and easy to please pets, so even the sign of food gets them excited.
Wheeking sounds like a long whistle, which can get progressively louder.
Guinea pigs also purr. Depending on the sound, pitch, and body language, the purrs can have different meanings.
If your guinea pig is sated and happy, they might make a deep purring sound and have a relaxed posture.
On the other hand, if the purring is continuous and is more high-pitched, your guinea pig might be annoyed or scared.
A tense guinea pig may be vibrating, but if they are scared, they will lay motionless in their cage.
The rumble is deeper than a purr, and you will only hear this sound if you have more than one guinea pig.
Guinea pigs usually rumble when the male is romancing a female during the mating season.
The rumble will be loud and continuous, but there is nothing to worry about since your pets are just communicating with each other.
Your guinea pig may start hissing when they are angry. This noise is similar to teeth chattering, which is as aggressive as your guinea pig will get.
An angry guinea pig will show its teeth, which mostly look like a yawn to a human being will, so always be careful before petting your guinea pig since they might want you to stay away from them.
Cooing is mostly heard in houses that have more than one guinea pig since this is another way of communicating with each other.
Cooing is mostly done between mothers and their children who need constant reassurance.
If your guinea pig is shrieking, it is scared of something. Their shriek will be high pitched and loud. If you hear your guinea pig making this sound, it is best to check them to see if they are hurt.
You should also check their cage to see if they are scared of something inside.
A chirping sound is probably the least common sound you may hear from a guinea pig.
A guinea pig may chirp when it’s confused, so if you hear this out-of-the-ordinary sound, there is nothing to worry about.
Guinea Pig Body Language
Besides sounds, guinea pigs also use their bodies to express themselves.
If you know what each movement means, it will be easier to detect when something is wrong with your pet.
Here are a few postures and positions to keep in mind:
When guinea pigs are scared, they stop moving and stand motionless in one place.
If you see your guinea pig lying in one place or not moving for long periods of time, they might be scared of something around you.
Guinea pigs that share cages with other guinea pigs tend to sniff each other. It is common for mother guinea pigs to sniff their children to see if they are okay.
They mostly sniff each other behind the neck, and on the nose, chin and ears.
Guinea pigs might even touch each other’s noses, which is just a way of greeting each other.
When your guinea pig is happy or excited, they hop in the air repeatedly.
This is more common in younger guinea pigs that get excited easily and are more energetic and playful.
Older guinea pigs also popcorn, but they might not jump as high as the younger ones.
If your guinea pig is fidgeting while you are holding or petting it, it may be in distress. It may also toss its head back, which is also a signal for you to stop touching them.
It can also be a sign that your pet wants to go to the bathroom or it is simply tired and wants some sleep.
In this case, it is best to put them back in their cage for some well-needed alone time.
Guinea pigs are generally energetic, so you may find them running around the house or their cage, but if your guinea pig is running when you try to hold them, they are just not used to being picked up.
Do not hold them against their will. When they are ready for human interaction, they will let you know by squeaking.
In short, your guinea pigs communicate their mood by making different sounds and through their body language.
If you believe your guinea pig is in pain, contact a vet immediately.
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